Friday, August 1, 2014

News for August

Fellow Optimists:  No meeting in August because of the "Go Hog Wild" - Jerome County Fair.  However we have two events this month that we need your attention:

August 15th - Joe Mamma Car Show - Beer Garden.  Rotary has asked us to host the Beer Garden for an opportunity to make $250 to $300.  Marsha and Bill have agreed to chair the project.  Marsha has one guest she will be bringing.  I spoke with Bryan Craig this morning and he is going to email me the details.  

August 23rd 9:00 a.m. @ 93 - Golf Tournament.  This is our big money maker.  So PLEASE show your support and either sign up a team or sponsor a hole.  If you would just like to donate an item for a prize give away or the treat bags please call Julie 308-2750 or Sheri 308-3264. 

Toys - Wal-Mart - I met with Deb Hayes on Tuesday (7/29) who donated more toys and miscellaneous items to the Club.  There are two games in Spanish which I would like to give to Lori Tangen for the St. Jerome's Catholic Church. I believe Lori still works with the 2nd and 3rd grade students.  Unless I get any objections I will proceed.  There are some Duck Dynasty items, squirt guns, puzzles, etc.  If you have a need we can fill let us know.  We also have a lot of small Halloween items if you know of anyone that can use them.

Finance Report - Youth has a balance of $52 (we are waiting for a reimbursement check for $300 from the Fishing Derby which should be here soon) so our balance will be $352.  Admin has a balance of $1100 (dues are paid for the year).  Savings I think is about $113.

We will hold a meeting September 3rd 6:30 p.m. at the Jerome Senior Center which has a new director Julie Stone.  We are looking for new Members so feel free to invite them to Golf or attend our September 3rd meeting.  

Thanks for your continued support!

2014 Prez

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