Monday, December 1, 2014

November Notes and December Reminder

Happy December 1st fellow Optimist Members!

Reminder of our meeting this Wednesday, December 3rd at 6:30pm at the Jerome Senior Center.

In addition, we are looking for some kid coats sizes 4-8 for Coats for Kids.  Please let Sheri know if you are able to donate and or know of kiddos that have grown out of their coats of this size.

Breakfast with Santa is this Saturday!  There are still items on the need list.  We are hopeful that Costco can help!  If not, we will reach out with items that are needed.  Volunteers are needed at 6:30am at the Jerome Catholic Church.  The revised hours this year are 7:30am-10:30am.  

Christmas in Jerome is this Saturday starting at 4pm at North Park.  JOC is working with the Jerome Chamber and will have a booth to collect and distribute coats.

Please join us on Wednesday evening and Saturday.

Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!
Marsha Martin

JOC Meeting Minutes for November 5, 2014:

Old Business:  $200 raised for helping with the Joe Mamas' Car Show, five baskets were donated to the Jerome Senior Center for their November 1, 2014 event (Julie reported that the weather was a contributing factor to their low turnout), $250 was made at the golf tournament.

Updates on projects:

Coats for Kids - Continued thanks to Sheri for all her warming efforts in distributing coats to our kids!  Drop offs are at:  the Library, Wal-Mart customer service, the Senior Center.  Snake River Corvette Club dropped of bags and bags of coats!  Thank you! 

Breakfast with Santa - December 13, 2014 starting at 7:30am to 10:30am at St. Jerome's Catholic Church (216 2nd Avenue E.).  The breakfast will include:  pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, orange juice, milk, coffee and hot chocolate.  Donations requested from Ridley's.  There is inventory of items needed for the breakfast (to be emailed at later date).  Santa arrives at 8am.  Please join in helping serve breakfast to our community.

Christmas in Jerome - 4pm at North Park in Jerome - 
The Jerome Chamber of Commerce asked JOC to join them in supporting the community with our Coats for Kids.  JOC will set up a booth to collect coats and to distribute coats as needed.  Join us at 4pm at North Park for visit with Santa, hot chocolate, cider, baked potatoes, cookies and more!  The parade starts at 6pm with a tree lighting ceremony after the parade.

Dunk Tank - Jerome Rotary has donated their dunk tank to the Jerome Optimists!  There is an estimated $3,000 in new revenue with renting of the dunk tank!  A release/waiver is being prepared since the Optimist insurance will not cover liability. 

Administration - Dues are due and invoices will be emailed/mailed. 

Next Meeting - Wednesday, December 3 at 6:30pm at the Jerome Senior Center and January 7, 2015.

See you all at the next meeting!

Joyfully Serving,
Marsha Martin
2013/2014 Sec/Tres 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

News for September

Dear Fellow Optimists:

Thank you for your continued support to our Youth.  We would not be successful if it was not for you.  I hope you do not mind but I would like to end and start our year with our meeting on October 1st at 6:30 at the Jerome Senior Center.  I may change the location but will keep you posted.  There is no meeting tomorrow night (Sept. 3rd).

August Updates:

August 15th - Thanks to Marsha and Bill for their help at the Joe Mama's Beer Garden.  We received a last minute call to help out.  I believe Lori Steadham suggested to Bryan Craig that we would be interested and Marsha and Bill stepped up to the plate.  Marsha brought her friend Bobby to help out as well.  We have not received the word yet on the funds earned but Marsha said she and Bill sold out.  Another special thanks to the members of the Jerome High School Football team for helping with delivery of the tables and chairs.

August 18th - Thanks to Bryan Craig for meeting with Marsha and I about the Jerome Rotary Club possibly donating their dunk tank to our Club.  Bryan has ran that service project for the last 8+ years and was hoping to hand it off to someone else but no one in his Club was interested so he has proposed to them to donate it to us.  He said their Club makes about $3,000 each summer off the project.  If this happens there were some conditions about letting Rotary use it when needed (but they have not used it in 5 years) and donating it to a Church function if possible.  After reviewing the Optimist Insurance policy we would definitely need a waiver signed by the renting party since it was clear to me that this type of "carnival item" is not covered.  It is a good thing we know a few attorneys who can review this further and assist in preparing a Waiver.  I want to thank Marsha for her enthusiasm and support.  We are waiting to hear and will keep you posted. 

August 23rd:  Golf Tournament - Thanks to Julie's efforts we earned $250 at the Golf Tournament.  Closet to the Pin and Longest Yard were Ladies who golfed with us for the first time and I cannot remember their names (I am having a Julie moment).  Angie had the next closet closet to the pin.  I really had a blast with my teammates (Angie and Patti) and thank them for allowing me to keep trying to get the ball over the water.   It was Julie's last year sponsoring the golf tournament so if anyone is interested let me know, otherwise that was our last golf tournament.  Thank you Julie to all the thousands of dollars you have raised over the last 20 or so years.

September News:

September 6th - Jerome Optimist Club will support the Jerome Boosters by providing a basket (or two) at their annual Golf Tournament.  There are quite a few items we have received from Wal-Mart that we can put something together.  If you have items you would like to donate we have the storage facility just get a hold of Julie or I.

September 13th - Twin Falls Optimist Club will host "Wings and Things" - I believe Dustin Godfrey is the chairperson again this year but if you need more information please let me know and I will make sure to get it for you.

Have fun, be safe!  Thanks again to you'll

President 2013-2015

Friday, August 1, 2014

News for August

Fellow Optimists:  No meeting in August because of the "Go Hog Wild" - Jerome County Fair.  However we have two events this month that we need your attention:

August 15th - Joe Mamma Car Show - Beer Garden.  Rotary has asked us to host the Beer Garden for an opportunity to make $250 to $300.  Marsha and Bill have agreed to chair the project.  Marsha has one guest she will be bringing.  I spoke with Bryan Craig this morning and he is going to email me the details.  

August 23rd 9:00 a.m. @ 93 - Golf Tournament.  This is our big money maker.  So PLEASE show your support and either sign up a team or sponsor a hole.  If you would just like to donate an item for a prize give away or the treat bags please call Julie 308-2750 or Sheri 308-3264. 

Toys - Wal-Mart - I met with Deb Hayes on Tuesday (7/29) who donated more toys and miscellaneous items to the Club.  There are two games in Spanish which I would like to give to Lori Tangen for the St. Jerome's Catholic Church. I believe Lori still works with the 2nd and 3rd grade students.  Unless I get any objections I will proceed.  There are some Duck Dynasty items, squirt guns, puzzles, etc.  If you have a need we can fill let us know.  We also have a lot of small Halloween items if you know of anyone that can use them.

Finance Report - Youth has a balance of $52 (we are waiting for a reimbursement check for $300 from the Fishing Derby which should be here soon) so our balance will be $352.  Admin has a balance of $1100 (dues are paid for the year).  Savings I think is about $113.

We will hold a meeting September 3rd 6:30 p.m. at the Jerome Senior Center which has a new director Julie Stone.  We are looking for new Members so feel free to invite them to Golf or attend our September 3rd meeting.  

Thanks for your continued support!

2014 Prez

Monday, March 31, 2014

Meeting notice April 2

Good Afternoon!

Reminder that the JOC meeting will be this Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:30pm at the Jerome Senior Center.

Items to discuss at the meeting:

Easter Egg Hunt: scheduled for April 19th be at Forsyth Park at 8:30am. Baskets will be put together at this meeting on Wednesday.
Special Needs Fishing Derby: Monday, May 12th
Officer elections for 2014-2015

Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday!

Joyfully Serving,
Marsha Martin
2013/2014 Sec/Tres

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Jerome Optimist Club update

Happy Saturday Members of the JOC,

Please find a summary of the last meeting held on Wednesday, February 5, 2014:

Updates on projects:

Coats for Kids - another successful year warming our youth with coats, hats, gloves!  Thank you Sheri for all your hard work!  Question proposed on if we should present the Library with a certificate.

Breakfast with Santa - certificates for student participants - Lori to report.

Easter Egg Hunt - April 19th at Forsyth Park.  Egg purchase needs to be soon.

Special Needs Fishing Derby - Stormi Reynolds' senior project.  Proposed dates are 05/06 or 05/12/2014.

Jerome State Park - JOC was visited by Kathy Markus of the Jerome State Park Coalition.  They have raised +$83,000 of the needed $100,000 for a 4,500 s/f skate park in the City of Jerome.  Tony Hawk reviewed the design of the skate park.  The contractor for the skate park will be the same who built the Hailey skate park.  The board to discuss if funds will be allocated to contribute.  Contact information is:

- delivered to JHS and due date is 4/25/2014.

FFA Visitor Report - FFA Nationals Reports by Nick Avila and Travis Compton.  Nick's favorite memory of the trip was visiting the Louisville Slugger Museum.  Travis' favorite memory was showing off the state of Idaho and seeing a sea of blue of all the FFA jackets while at nationals.  

Next Meeting - March 5, 2014 at 6:30pm at the Jerome Senior Center.

See you all at the next meeting!

Joyfully Serving,
Marsha Martin
2013/2014 Sec/Tres

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Next meeting this Wednesday, Feb 5

Happy Super Bowl Sunday or Ground Hog Day!

Reminder that the JOC meeting will be this Wednesday, February 5th at 6:30 at the Jerome Senior Center.  

Updates on projects:

Coats for Kids - Continued thanks to Sheri for all her warming efforts in distributing coats to our kids!  Thank yous received from those benefiting from our loving warmth of coats to be read at the meeting.

Breakfast with Santa - what a great success!  Big crowd served and many, many helpers!  Details to be provided at meeting.

Meeting agenda to include:  
the upcoming Easter Egg Hunt, special guests from the JHS FFA and discussions of the proposed Jerome Skate Park. 

If you are able bring cookies and there will be a cookie contest with prizes!  (Cookies are not necessary, we would just love to see everyone.)

See you all at the next meeting!

Joyfully Serving,
Marsha Martin
2013/2014 Sec/Tres