Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Good morning~

As you can see by my subject line, the meeting that was scheduled for tonight, March 23rd, has been CANCELLED.  Captain Bob is still under the weather and is struggling a bit during his recovery from the multiple surgeries on his legs.  So, putting Captain Bob, and his health, first, we decided to cancel tonight's meeting.  Stay tuned for information on our next meeting. 

I can tell you, however, that we will be hosting our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Forsyth Park in Jerome.  It will be held Saturday, April 23, 2011, beginning at 10:00 a.m. and ending 4 or 5 minutes later.  (Hmmmm.....I wonder if Patricia "Petey" Migliuri will be willing to be the Easter Bunny again?!?).  Our co-sponsors this year will be the Jerome Kiwanis Club (thanks Lorrann) who will be purchasing the fun plastic Easter eggs.  Also, something new for this year - the Kiwanis Club will be hosting a pancake feed at Forsyth Park in conjuction with the Easter Egg Hunt.  For a small donation, the Kiwanees (is that the plural of Kiwanis?) will take care of your breakfast needs.  Watch for more information. 

Keep your eyes open for word on the Special Needs Fishing Derby.  Sheri Mitchell is working feverishly to get this scheduled. 

That's all for now.  Please keep Captain Bob in your thoughts and prayers. 

Happy Wednesday!

Angie Bridge
Jerome Optimist Club 

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