Thursday, October 7, 2010

Installation banquet to be held October 16

Good evening my friends!

It's that time of year - time to install the NEW President, Secretary/Treasurer and Board members for the Jerome Optimist Club for the 2010-2011 year!! 

I am sending this to EVERYONE I have on my e-mail list.  For those of you out of the general vicinity of Jerome, I understand if you won't be able to be there.  If you can't RSVP, I'll be very understanding! :)  However, for those of you on this e-mail list who (a) live in Jerome or Twin Falls and (b) are a member of either the Jerome or Twin Falls Clubs - or both - PLEASE, if at all possible, let me know if you'll be able to make it to the banquet.  I need a head count by Wednesday as well as your dinner selection.  It would be very much appreciated!

Have a great evening!


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